I am ridiculously excited to announce that I have a story coming out in Clarkesworld!! It's called "The Whale Fall At the End of the Universe", and it's about a they/them-pronouned space mermaid drifting alone in the cosmos who encounters a space whale carcass that has become a home and a meal for many other aliens. I'm really proud of this story, which is easily the most alien story I've ever written, and I'm so thrilled that it found a home in Clarkesworld.
For those of you keeping score at home, this is my third story that is forthcoming later in 2020! The other two are in anthologies, "LDR" in Rosalind's Siblings and "A Government-Sanctioned Marriage" in Queers Who Don't Quit. All three of these stories are set in space, and they all deal with (queer) loneliness in one way or another.
Here's my already published work if you would like to check it out!
